Sunday 8 January 2012

highs and lows of 2011

school: school went from bad to worse. at first i found a new love with r.s (religious studies) pissing off our delusional creationist teacher. he's a bit of a mental he got really angry with me the other day for saying "jesus christ" what the hell is wrong with that? i mean he's a fictional character "for gods sake!" i'll never understand religion and why people believe it i mean are they that scared of death they hang on to delusional fairy tales like the bible? my r.s teacher has had a few mental breakdowns in the past (or so i've heard) (also my uncle and cousin pissed through his door keyhole one time). anyway i've made it one of my new years resolutions to turn him atheist easier said than done. now onto art this bullshit gcse i've been forced into by this teacher that looks like a gremlin i thought the reason i'd been forced into it is because the class was empty well its not there's even TWO full fucking classes of it. you will see in upcoming blogs how bad my art work is (apart from a karl pilkington drawing which im pretty damn proud of). i'm also getting about 2 hour long detentions a week which i assure you i will not be going to.

games: games have had better years this year seemed to to be the year of sequels and very delayed games that came out a dissapointment like brink and duke nukem forever. duke nukem forever was a massive pile elephant shit 10-15 years in devolpment my arse i think they used a bunch of blank discs had a shit on them and labeled it "duke nukem forever" hopefully the sequel will be better. enough about bad games now a few good games. gears of war 3 the end to a trilogy that i've been playing since 2006 it looks amazing and co-op with adam and rich was always fun. battlefield 3 apart from the god awful campaign this pretty much perfect the graphics are some of the best i've ever seen (as long as you install them to your hard drive) and the online is orgismic. lastly skyrim fuck me i've only done 40 hours on it and i feel like i have only just scratched the surface there is so much to do and i havent got bored yet. overall skyrim is definatly my game of the year.

films: films had a lot of sequels this year like mission impossible: ghost protocol sherlock holmes: game of shadows and pirates of the caribbean 4 all great except pirates 4. pirates 4 is one of the worst films i have ever seen they should of just ended it after 2 but no greedy disney had to milk and rape the series i got bored after 40 minutes wish i'd never watched it. now DRIVE fuck me was this film good now in top 3 films of all time its brutal the soundtrack is amazing and the stomp scene was amazing.

tv: lastly tv has been great this year apart from dexter season 6. we had breaking bad season 4 the first 5 episodes were slow but they do that every season. they did'nt leave much open for the fifth and final season though ( i'm sure the writers will think of something though i mean thats what they get a paid to do). sons of anarchy season 4 which was fucking awesome as always. lastly boardwalk empire season 2 not as good as the first but was still great.

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