Monday 16 January 2012

week 1: goodbye ART

School:School was pretty damn awesome this week on friday I got told I would be doing G.C.S.E music instead of art i'm not good at music at all but i'll be doing minumum work i'm told.

Games: I finally hit 50k this week yay! Apart from that I started Halo anniversary this week little gutted to find it was 2 player co-op even though the box says 4 player apart from that i didn't play anything else really.

Tv: I finished sons of anarchy season 3 on dvd just in time for season 4 on 5USA this week. A little bit of six feet under season 2. and finally started Mad men season 1 on blu ray which is amazing even though i've only watched 4? episodes so far.

films: i went to the cinema yesterday to see iron lady pretty dissapointed with it. What could of been a great film about thatcher turned into a film about a woman with dementia trying to deal with her husbands death plus a couple of flashbacks shoved in.

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